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The original creative team behind Generation X, Scott Lobdell and Chris Bachalo, intended Penance to be a girl called Yvette from Yugoslavia. This was never directly revealed in the comic and links to Monet St. Croix were made by the subsequent creative team. Monet is superhuman in essentially all aspects, possessing superhuman strength capable of lifting automobiles, boulders and other massive objects. Monet also possesses superhuman physical attributes like invulnerability, agility, dexterity, speed, quick reflexes, and balance. X-Men Bishop noted that Monet possesses a "superior rating" in all human physical categories.

The team manages to stop Synch, though it is Monet who ultimately defeats him by daring him to truly synch with her. Whatever Synch finds inside her horrifies him and shocks Emplate's influence out of him, leaving only more questions in the team's minds about what else Monet may be hiding. While impersonating Monet, the twins battled the Phalanx until she and the other teenage mutants were rescued by Banshee and Emma Frost.
Fictional character biography
The vessel they were on was eventually boarded and M shoved Jean out an escape pod while fighting to the death with Orchis's soldiers in her Penance form. M is later seen living on the sovereign nation of Krakoa constructed by X as the new mutant homeland for him and his people. After somehow getting separated from Sabretooth, M continues hunting mutants to feed off of and ends up hiding out by the Xavier Institute, now located in Central Park, New York. Jubilee arrives to save her students, and upon seeing her old friend, M temporarily regains control of herself and immediately retreats. Shortly after the events of Secret Invasion, Darwin's father sells him out to a group of people called the Karma Project. While he is in a coma, Monet is called in to read his father's mind only to find nothing.
There is, however, scant evidence that the letter was later introduced in the early centuries A.D.
Operating out of Detroit & return to New York City
The group soon formed the Generation X team, with Sean and Emma acting as co-headmasters of the new school designed to train them in the use of their powers. Shortly after the school opens, Banshee, Synch, and Jubilee go to the airport to welcome new students Chamber. The twins remain at the school and are reunited with the Australian teleporter Gateway, who they are glad to see and address as "Mentor". However, Gateway's return serves to warn them of the return of their evil brother. The twins convince Gateway to teleport them, Husk, Skin, and Emma Frost to the airport, where Emplate has already managed to absorb the powers of Chamber and Banshee.
Shortly after her mother's mysterious death, her brother Marius, the vampiric mutant known as Emplate, was banished from the St. Croix home. He eventually returned after learning the dark arts and requested that Monet join him in conquering another dimension. She rejected his offer, and after finally having enough of his sister's ridicule, Marius transformed her into a red-skinned, untouchable mute creature whom he nicknamed Penance. Monet's younger sisters, Nicole and Claudette, heard the commotion and investigated; when they could not find Monet, they assumed that Marius had killed her. The twins then banished him to another dimension while Monet followed, believing it was her only way to revert to normal.
Powers and abilities
Lightspeed lands between the two and uses her Kymellian powers to mesmerize Penance, but when she places her hand on Penance's shoulder, she stabs Lightspeed through her shoulders. Later, Penance encounters the rest of the group at the hospital where Julie is recovering. She is followed by the ones intent on imprisoning her, including a mysterious woman named Fuyumi Fujikawa who calls her "Hollow". Mickey Musashi's makes a deal with the woman that allows Hollow to remain with the group, and which allows her to stay at Phil's residence. Sometime after the events of Generation X, Monet fell under the mind-control of Mentallo and joined Stryker's cult, The Church of Human Potential. She lured Weapon X-Force there so she could share the gift with Sabretooth.

This version of Monet would have been identical to the original if it were not for Claudette's autism which would sometimes take effect, leaving "Monet" in catatonic stupors. Subsequently, while the twins were impersonating their sister, they were among the new generation of mutants captured by the techno-organic alien race known as the Phalanx. During a war between Inhumans and the X-Men, M and Sabretooth became part of the mutants who guarded over the Inhumans sent to captivity in Limbo. M began to feed on the Inhumans instead, wanting revenge & blaming them for the death of Madrox by releasing the T-Mist into the air. A fight broke out when Sabretooth tries to stop her, but at the end of the issue, he is willing to let her kill the last Inhuman to keep her curse secret. Sabretooth eventually ran away with her in order to help her contain Emplate's possession and find a cure.
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Sean chases her into the sky, where she tearfully describes having been poked and prodded by numerous doctors as a child, and begs him not to make her go through that again. Sean agrees, though Emma insists that Monet simply manipulated him to avoid the problem yet again. While this did indeed protect them from Onslaught, it also left them basically defenseless against Toad, who Emma had allowed to live in her home. To correct this oversight, Nicole projected herself into Emma's mind for the first time , explaining the situation so that Emma would release the team and talk sense into Toad.
Monet is panicked, with Jubilee apologizing to her & saying she needs to remember. All the memories of her time with the team come flooding back, which eventually breaks Emplate's hold on her, separating the two & finally curing Monet. Marius fades away to his own dimension and Monet is taken to the infirmary with the injured students. Jubilee watches after her, with Monet insisting that she's fine & just needs a manicure & a blowout. The two have a chat and Monet is her usually snarky self, with Jubilee smiling and complaining that she was almost happy Monet was back.
In addition, Emplate knows for a fact they are not Monet, as the true Monet has been his prisoner and main source of sustenance for years. Monet St. Croix was born in Sarajevo, Bosnia during a family ski trip and is the second child of the rich and eccentric Afro-Monégasque Cartier St. Croix and his Algerian wife. She grew up as a pompous and spoiled rich girl as a result of being the favored child of her father with his prestigious position as the Monégasque Ambassador to France.

In response, Monet crucified the mob leader before she and Siryn broke out of the prison to check on the ex-mutants. When the two arrived, they found an abandoned girl whom Monet decided to take back to the States. Penance (Monet Yvette Clarisse Maria Therese St. Croix) is a fictional superheroine and mutant appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.
Bastion finds Jubilee first, and protects her by killing Mondo, but then takes Jubilee hostage and transports her to his desert base in New Mexico. Emma uses her powers to force Sean to unleash his sonic scream, supposedly killing her in the process. M-Plate, having absorbed Hindsight's powers earlier now has his ability of seeing the memories of whomever she touches. Bling comes up with the plan and touches M-Plate, the latter seeing her past. Bling gets word to the other previous Generation X team, and they all combine their efforts and grab a hold of M-Plate.
When the three of them separated, the twins finally learned what their brother did to the real Monet St. Croix. Everett managed to convince Nicole to finally reveal the truth to the rest of the team. Immediately after Nicole's story, the twins formed back into "M" and then merged with Penance, freeing Monet in the process. She has D.O.A. use his abilities to disconnect the school from the outside world, cutting off any possible interference. The original teammates, Chamber, Husk, and Jubilee all fight M-Plate and are soundly defeated -Jubilee almost being killed by having her amulet torn off and thrown into the sunlight to burn. Thanks to the timely save of Quentin, he uses his Phoenix shard to cure Jubilee's vampirism & returning her mutant powers.